Task #1377
Parameterization of assigned roles
Added by Vít Švanda about 6 years ago.
Updated about 6 years ago.
- Values will be saved in EAV on IdmIdentityRole (new).
- Definition of EAV can be selected on IdmRole (new column).
- Definition of EAV shuld be created directly in agenda of "Form definitions".
- EAV values should be edited only via role request.
- Only roles without parameters could be added with multiselect.
- Role with parameters could be added one by one only (we need to fill specific values of parameters).
- Parameters will be showed in WF approving process.
- Parameters could be editing in WF approving process????
- Provisioning - we need propagate identity-role parameters to transformation.
- May be new input parameter to transformation to system is requesred (map of values for all assigned roles).
- May be new script for loading map of values for all assigned roles will be created.
- Synchronization of attributes is not required now. It is true?
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Added EAV for IdentityRole
- Created EAV for ConceptRoleRequest entity.
- Added select of definition of identity role attributes on role.
- Show EAV attributes on idenity-role (tabs).
- Start with modification of concept change table - we need to show and edit EAV here ... very hard work ...
- % Done changed from 0 to 20
- I modified concept role request for support of save EAV attributes on create/update concept .
- Concept change table extend for support show and editing EAV attributes (operation add implemented, update not works now).
- % Done changed from 20 to 30
- Copy EAVs from concept to identityRole on FE
- Optimalization of Role request = turn off save and show original request, minimalization of exception trace saved to the reqeust log
- % Done changed from 30 to 40
I started with implementeation of provisioning and sync for identity-role.
- Related to Task #1391: Copy roles between users added
- Created relation entity AccIdentityRoleAccount for synchronization and basic synchronization.
- IdentityRole entity will be not supported self provisioning. Instead that provisioning of Identity will be supports provisioning of IdentityRole.
- Created method for evaluation changes of EAVs in identity-role against EAVs in concept
- I started with show changes of EAVs values on the FE. Method for find changes (from Request agenda) generates too much elementry results (changes on fileds). I had to rewrited that logic specific for this purpose.
- I fixed problem with not show EAV values in the concept.
- % Done changed from 40 to 50
- New and original values can be shown on EAVs detail.
* All component Form component were modified for this feature.
- Solving performance issue on Concept table.
- Optimalization count of component rendering
- Extract role-concept-detail to new component (for WF detail)
- Created component for show concept detail in WF processes.
- Modified all processes (for approving assigning a role) for show concept detail.
- Solved problems with premissions for concept, contract, role, form definition
I started with modifying the Identity provisioning.
- % Done changed from 50 to 70
- Provisionig for identity is implemented (added new attributes "assignedRoles" and "assignedRolesForSystem").
- I started with implementation the form service validation.
- Related to Task #1406: Generate default eav values for role concepts and role identity added
- Validation:
* Invalid concepts are highlights in concept table.
* Concepts with attributes are validate on start the request.
* IdenityRole - on save is validate all EAV attributes now.
- Detail of concept (with attributes) can be editable in the WF now.
Integrity check on delete the form-definition.
I started with creation of a tests.
- % Done changed from 70 to 80
- Fixed problem with validation issue in WF process.
- Created first 5 tests.
- % Done changed from 80 to 90
- Created next tests in Core and ACC module.
- Fixed bugs and sonar issues.
- Status changed from In Progress to Needs feedback
- Assignee changed from Vít Švanda to Ondřej Kopr
- Completed ER diagram
- Fixed problem with concept detail (on change of a contract)
Documentation will be crated within #1414.
- Status changed from Needs feedback to Resolved
- Assignee changed from Ondřej Kopr to Vít Švanda
- % Done changed from 90 to 100
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
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