Defect #3039
closedSynchronization from system - multivalued EAV attribute is not deleted when the new value is an empty List
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Tested on 11.2.1.
We have a multivalued EAV attribute filled by the synchronization from the system. We use a transformation script, which returns ArrayList of values. This is filled into identity EAV:
When the result of the transformation is an empty list (as below), then the value from the identity is not deleted .
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); .... return result;
In the version 9.7, this worked well. It stopped working after upgrading to 11.2.1. There is no info about this change in the CHANGELOG.
Workaround: return the value as null. Then the EAV is deleted correctly.
Note: It's interesting that the synchronization tells us that something changes, but in the end, it doesn't make the change:
DEBUG xxxShouldSyncxxxxxPermission attributeValue [] DEBUG xxxShouldSyncxxxxxPermission result [] [base-task-executor-4] e.b.idm.acc.service.impl.AbstractSynchronizationExecutor.addToItemLog : 18.01.2022 17:52:20: Value of EAV attribute [opravneni_xxx] was changed. First change was detected -> entity in IdM will be updated.