Task #2983
closedAvailable property can sometimes not be added to user
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Sometimes, although a property is available, it will not be assigned to a user. This is because it is saved in cache which happens more often than it should. This is a quite rare issue since the cache is emptied regularly.
Updated by Tomáš Doischer about 3 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Needs feedback
- Assignee changed from Tomáš Doischer to Luboš Čábelka
- % Done changed from 0 to 80
Fixed, I added a condition to only cache the value when I will actually use it later.
Commit:, can you give me feedback?
Updated by Luboš Čábelka about 3 years ago
- Status changed from Needs feedback to Resolved
- % Done changed from 80 to 100
Reviewed together with #2982
Code looks good, cannot see any issue.