Task #2618
closedUpgrade Tomcat container to Tomcat 9
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Tomcat 9 is already stable (for a bit of time).
Goal of this ticket is to evaluate if we are able to run IdM with it and, if "yes", upgrade the tomcat container.
- update czechidm container
- update czechidm installation howtos for tomcat 9
More tickets "in product" and "in containers" are needed. We have to create them, but first do the quick analysis herein.
Updated by Petr Fišer almost 4 years ago
After debating this with Vitek, i think we can consider tomcat9+idm a stable thing.
Developer actually work with tomcat9 already and dont have any problems.
Upgraded Tomcat container image to Tomcat 9.0.41. IdM iamge has to be adjusted a bit.
During the upgrade, i moved the Java truststore generation to the Tomcat image git.8a73253 . Documentation ok, need to release this.
Updated by Petr Fišer almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Target version set to bcv-tomcat:9.0.41-r0
I tested tomcat and it works fine. Released.