Task #2618
Upgrade Tomcat container to Tomcat 9
Added by Petr Fišer about 4 years ago.
Updated almost 4 years ago.
Tomcat 9 is already stable (for a bit of time).
Goal of this ticket is to evaluate if we are able to run IdM with it and, if "yes", upgrade the tomcat container.
We should upgrade our tomcat docker container and also:
- update czechidm container
- update czechidm installation howtos for tomcat 9
More tickets "in product" and "in containers" are needed. We have to create them, but first do the quick analysis herein.
After debating this with Vitek, i think we can consider tomcat9+idm a stable thing.
Developer actually work with tomcat9 already and dont have any problems.
Upgraded Tomcat container image to Tomcat 9.0.41. IdM iamge has to be adjusted a bit.
During the upgrade, i moved the Java truststore generation to the Tomcat image git.8a73253 . Documentation ok, need to release this.
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Target version set to bcv-tomcat:9.0.41-r0
I tested tomcat and it works fine. Released.
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
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