Task #1564
closedTask #1560: Testing of the product (9.5.0)
Incomplete documentation: (De)duplication of assigned roles
Thanks for the new sections. A few comments:
Information on new features should be divided into 4 parts, and referenced accordingly from this outline of the documentation:
intro section - just a few lines to introduce the topic (NO screenshots)
admin guide - more details (no screenshots needed) about the concept, advantages, options
tutorials - how-tos in detail, with screenshots, examples, etc.
devel - the rest, the ins and outs of the technical solution
Here's the link to tutorial and admin sections for roles:
In this text, you are mingling admin, tutorial and devel together:
There is no mention of deduplication in the intro, admin, tutorial sections: https://wiki.czechidm.com/devel/documentation/roles#deduplicating_roles
Could you split the new bits into 4 sections please? Thank you
Updated by milus kotisova over 5 years ago
- Assignee changed from Vít Švanda to Ondřej Kopr
The two tickets were no duplicates.
One was for copying role from one user to another.
The other was for (de)duplication of roles.
You resolved it within the referred ticket, OK.
Instead of rejecting the ticket, it would be much fairer to indicate it was resolved within another ticket (partly, although to this day there is no tutorial on (de)duplication, as far as I am concerned. Please correct me if I am wrong.)
Updated by Vít Švanda over 5 years ago
Our primary goal is developer documentation (for bigger features admin), not tutorials.