


Defect #1765

Updated by Alena Peterová over 5 years ago

Version 9.6.3, 9.7.0-SNAPSHOT 
 When the DeleteExecutedEventTaskExecutor starts, it runs some minutes and then causes OutOfMemory on java heap. The application doesn't respond. The only solution is to restart Tomcat. 

 There are: 
 352739 Events 
 339623 Executed events 
 303578 Executed events older than 3 days 

 You can see attached log from Tomcat.  
 * First there is OutOfMemory after night task (the start of the task was at 2:00 and it is not in the logfile, because log is rotated). 
 * Then I restarted Tomcat and run DeleteExecutedEventTaskExecutor directly after restart of IdM. 
 2019-07-30 08:03:10.229    WARN 20536 --- [task-executor-3] .c.s.t.i.DeleteExecutedEventTaskExecutor : Start deleting executed events older than [3] days. 
 Java heap (6 GB) was soon filled, only full garbage collector run with no success: 
 [root@idmtest logs]#    /usr/lib/jvm/java-openjdk/bin/jstat -gc 20536 2000 
  S0C      S1C      S0U      S1U        EC         EU          OC           OU         MC       MU      CCSC     CCSU     YGC       YGCT      FGC      FGCT       GCT    
 698880.0 698880.0    0.0      0.0     699392.0 690725.8 4194304.0    4194060.3    150040.0 143199.9 16424.0 15112.1       30      4.500    21       25.198     29.698 
 698880.0 698880.0    0.0      0.0     699392.0 699392.0 4194304.0    4194071.4    150040.0 143199.9 16424.0 15112.1       30      4.500    22       25.198     29.698 
 698880.0 698880.0    0.0      0.0     699392.0 699392.0 4194304.0    4194065.0    150040.0 143219.4 16424.0 15114.8       30      4.500    23       27.648     32.148 
 698880.0 698880.0    0.0      0.0     699392.0 699392.0 4194304.0    4194056.0    150040.0 143219.4 16424.0 15114.8       30      4.500    25       30.411     34.911 
 698880.0 698880.0    0.0      0.0     699392.0 699392.0 4194304.0    4194090.1    150040.0 143219.4 16424.0 15114.8       30      4.500    27       32.609     37.109 
 I killed tomcat after cca 5 minutes. 
