


Task #1520

Updated by Radek Tomiška almost 6 years ago

Implement feature to clone business roles (between environment): 
 - create new bulk action on the role table 
 - bulk action will have input parameter environment - if the same environment is selected, then index into role code will be added 
 - role will be created or updated on the selected environment: 
 -- new event type CLONE will be created - processor on custom module can be registred (fill target role attributes) 
 - sub role composition will be created / updated ("application" sub roles has to exist, business sub roles will be cloned recursively - will be overidable project feature - clone 1:1 will work by default) recursively) 
 - automatic role definition will be created / updated (by tree structure and attributes) 
 - role form attributes will be created or updated 
