


Task #900

Updated by Alena Peterová over 6 years ago

Tested on 7.5.3, the organization structure has ~16 000 elements, only 1 root (defined by null parent) root. 

 The When the "Definition of tree roots" groovy script is *not defined*, the synchronization of organizations structure is very slow - more than 1 minute per organization. 
 When the "parent" script is not defined so all organizations are roots, it takes less than 1 second like "parent == null" (principally the same as the default behaviour), the synchronization is faster - around 3 seconds per organization. 

 This is very strange. Please could you look at it? 

 My script is inspired by : 
  // Get value from parent attribute 
  def parentValue = account.getAttributeByName("MANAGER_CISLOSSMSPM").getValue(); 
  if(parentValue == null){ 
      return Boolean.FALSE; 
  } else { 
      return Boolean.TRUE; 
 return Boolean.FALSE; 
