Defect #3230
Updated by Alena Peterová about 2 years ago
When we use the default settings of managers and subordinates by tree structures (, the managers are not able to see their inactive subordinates. If we use finding managers/subordinates by directly configured managers (, then managers can see the identities in the list of users, but aren't able to open them. Please: * make the default behavior of different algorithms consistent * allow us to *configure* (without implementation) per project, if the managers may see/edit their left subordinate, or not (we need both options for different customers) --------------------------------------------------------- Current behavior on version 12.2, behavior, steps to reproduce: * create manager and their subordinate, deactivate the subordinate by their contract's valid till !suboridnate_inactive.png! * login as manager -> Users -> clear the filter. You cannot see the inactive subordinate at all: !default_subordinates.png! * use the direct managers configuration: idm.sec.core.filter.IdmIdentity.managersFor.impl=guaranteeManagersFilter idm.sec.core.filter.IdmIdentity.subordinatesFor.impl=guaranteeSubordinatesFilter * login as manager -> Users -> clear the filter. You can see the inactive subordinate: !guaranteefilter_users.png! * try to open the inactive subordinate => insufficient access rights !guaranteefilter_open_inactive_user.png! Note: userRole contains userManagerRole, no other changes in default permissions were made