


Task #387

Updated by Marcel Poul over 7 years ago

* Profile -> Personal Data - Surname is mandatory, why? 
 * Users - want to go to user detail from the table. There is reference through Login as well as Magnifying glass button. It is inconsistent in whole GUI. I personally prefer reference via "name" then button.  
 * Profile -> Positions -> Position detail - how can I get back to Positions form? I am little bit lost. Sure I can find the user again, but... What about breadcrumb there? 
 * Profile    - Breadcrumb with "Position in organisational structure" is really confusing, especially when browsing on users with default contract and no position on contract: "Default/MyName" - definitely is not the position in org. structure. Why not to use the green info box like in Profile -> Positions -> Position Detail -> Basic Information for the whole Profile menu? Breadcrumb may be then used for navigation like suggested in previous point. Another example: user has contract with Work Position "Lekar" and contract is on positon "Vzorova Nemocnice" in org. structure. Its breadcrumb is now "Vzorova nemocnice/ MyName".    I think "Lekar" is missing in the path? 
 * Napojene systemy -> Synchronizace and Provisioning -> both have audit logs, but it is not the shortcut to Audit menu. Thinking of having all logs at the same place with only shortcuts to them in each menu... 
 * Napojene systemy -> Synchronizace -> Log - going to "Detail logu položky" means 4 steps of clicking on some detail. Is there some other way of how to manage sync logs? Moreover when I am at the last point I cannot see any navigation point like breadcrumb. If I want to go 2 steps back I have to remember my position and click on "Back" on browser window or go all the way Napojene systemy -> Synchronizace -> Log, detail, detail, detail ... 
 * Audit -> Entity history - the table has first column "Entity type", which is little bit strange. I guess Entity or Date is more suitable 
 * Audit -> Entity history - filtr Date from and Date to with same date give always no result. I guess Date from include the given date, Dete to exclude it. Seems little bit tricky. I think setting hours for filtr will be good too. 
 * Audit -> Entity history - I cannot find out, what Entity ID in filtr mean. No matter what I type in, I always get "Filter isn't valid" error message. If it is for Entity column, then id is missing in filter. Otherwise Entity is missing. 
 * Roles -> Roles administration -> Role detail - when finished editing role, the value of the button is Save and continue. Editing user detail have only save. Make all edit forms the same... The same situation is for Role create and User create default values. 
 * Roles -> Roles administration -> Role detail - Type of the role does not have any application. Until the application of the "Type" attribute is introduced, it should not be visible to users (maybe even not defined as entity attribute). Otherwise if users use it as something like "labels" - then when the application is introduced, it would be hard to upgrade.   
 * Roles -> Requests for roles - I think there will be many Requests form in future (Roles, Technical accounts, VPN, Certificates, Licence etc.), so The Request may be on the same level as Roles. Then Roles will have no submenu (similar to Users and Organizations) and will be more simple. 
 * Roles -> Roles administration -> Role detail -> Automatic roles - When deleting automatic roles there is a window demanding approving the automatic role removal "Opravdu chcete odebrat automatickou roli [testRole2 - Dětská kardiologie (12370)]? Všem uživatelům, kterí získali roli prostřednictvím této automatické role, bude přiřazené role odebrána." - There are '[' and ']' characters for the list of roles... + přiřazené -> přiřazená. 
 * Roles -> Roles administration -> Role detail -> Automatic roles - I am little bit confused about the role ADD and delete. The messages suggest "NEW automatic role" as you would create new entity in CzechIdM. In fact you just create a reference from role to treenode. It may be confusing when talking about automatic roles with IdM admins.  
 * Organization -> --> Organizations (as Users, Roles, Tasks etc.) 
