Task #2796
closedAdd the option to select separators for titles
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Methods getTitlesAfter and getTitlesBefore, which separates titles before and after from one source string, did not allow to select separator for source string. Methods also always separates titles before and after in IdM with ", " - users then have a comma in the titles before - ex: doc., Ing., Mgr., Bc. David Novák, Ph.D., MBA
Updated by David Štekl over 3 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 80
I added the option to select a separator for source string and for titles before and after values in IdM.
Separator can be setup by configuration properties. The default values are the same as in previous versions of extras.
- idm.sec.extras.configuration.titlesSourceSeparator - a character, that separates titles in the source. Default" "
- idm.sec.extras.configuration.titlesBeforeSeparator - titles before separator for IdM. Default", "
- idm.sec.extras.configuration.titlesAfterSeparator - titles before separator for IdM. Default", "
Updated by Alena Peterová over 3 years ago
I made the review and tested locally, it works nice, thanks.
Updated by Peter Štrunc over 3 years ago
- Target version changed from 2.8.0 to 3.0.0
Updated by Peter Štrunc over 3 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 80 to 100
Merged to develop