


Defect #1904

Updated by Radek Tomiška over 4 years ago

We founded use case that creates entity events that is in running state forever. 

 How to simulate this issue: 
 * we have clean CzechIdM environment without some projspec implementation in version 9.7.10, 
 * we have one mapped system (table, in virtual this works) with one role, 
 * as identifier is mapped username, 
 * assign this role to some user (role will be assigned correctly), 
 * change username and check entity events. 

 The query: 
 select * from pg_stat_activity; 

 show us two query that has lock (in column query is query with two updates sys_system_entity and sys_provisioning_operation): 
 datid 	 datname 	 pid 	 usesysid 	 usename 	 application_name 	 client_addr 	 client_hostname 	 client_port 	 backend_start 	 xact_start 	 query_start 	 state_change 	 wait_event_type 	 wait_event 	 state 	 backend_xid 	 backend_xmin 	 query 	 backend_type 
 16384 	 bcv_idm_storage 	 1265 	 16385 	 idmadmin 	 PostgreSQL JDBC Driver 		 56452 	 2019-10-15 18:43:35 	 2019-10-15 18:47:03 	 2019-10-15 18:47:03 	 2019-10-15 18:47:03 	 Client 	 ClientRead 	 idle in transaction 	 467702 		 update sys_system_entity set created=$1, creator=$2, creator_id=$3, modified=$4, modifier=$5, modifier_id=$6, original_creator=$7, original_creator_id=$8, original_modifier=$9, original_modifier_id=$10, realm_id=$11, transaction_id=$12, entity_type=$13, system_id=$14, uid=$15, wish=$16 where id=$17 	 client backend 
 16384 	 bcv_idm_storage 	 1292 	 16385 	 idmadmin 	 PostgreSQL JDBC Driver 		 56524 	 2019-10-15 18:46:47 	 2019-10-15 18:47:03 	 2019-10-15 18:47:03 	 2019-10-15 18:47:03 	 Lock 	 transactionid 	 active 	 467703 	 467702 	 update sys_provisioning_operation set created=$1, creator=$2, creator_id=$3, modified=$4, modifier=$5, modifier_id=$6, original_creator=$7, original_creator_id=$8, original_modifier=$9, original_modifier_id=$10, realm_id=$11, transaction_id=$12, provisioning_batch_id=$13, current_attempt=$14, entity_identifier=$15, entity_type=$16, max_attempts=$17, operation_type=$18, provisioning_context=$19, result_cause=$20, result_code=$21, result_model=$22, result_state=$23, role_request_id=$24, system_id=$25, system_entity_id=$26 where id=$27 	 client backend 

 Event detail: 

 Provisoning operation detail: 

 There is gif with simulation: (sorry for link, the gif has more than 5mb) 

 Affected version: 9.7.9 9.7.10
