Feature #915
Updated by Radek Tomiška over 5 years ago
Add new agenda for show entity states (show entity Please add some operation state/dirty state/concep etv.). Agenda will be available under entity events agenda in audit. Add bulk action state/concept state call it that you want, for delete entity states (~clear dirty states). Agenda will be (is) secured under app_admin (will be improved in #1367 later). FE table EntityStateTable will be reused - it was created before. entities. USE CASE: # When is some entity in dirty state it's not any information about this state, also when is recalculated i have no information about it, # in automatic roles is implement concept state and this state is changed after create, update or delete some rule. When I recalculate automatic role is this state still in concept and it will be changed after recalculation ends, for administrator's is this very confusing