


Feature #1015

Updated by Radek Tomiška about 6 years ago

Each module can contain result codes (e.g. 'CoreResultCode').    Codes are localized on FE and used through the app.  

 Create content (page) with list of codes on FE: 
 - expose new GET endpoint in 'ModuleController' - <server>/modules/{moduleId}/result-codes. Available under    'MODULE_READ' permission 
 - create new link in 'Documentation' column in BE modules table (Setting > -> Modules > -> Modules (backend) )    - 'Result codes' 
 - after link is clicked, then modal or new content will be shown with localized module's result codes in the 'Basic.Table'. Columns - status (number), code, message (flash message can be used). Table will be sorted by status number and then by code. Filter by code can be added (optional). 
 - Check result codes localization and add localization, if missing.
