


Task #384

Updated by Marcel Poul about 7 years ago

Use case: 
 Idm is authoritative source of data about identities to connected systems like e.g. LDAP, AD. 
 It is a common situation that when identity contract ends - the user lost its account in systems. The word lost have two meaning: 
 # account is deleted - standard (standard IdM feature (e.g. removed from CN=FirstName LastName,OU=active,OU=users,DC=organisation,DC=cz)  
 # account is archived/moved - simply updated, definitely not deleted. In case of LDAP - the user is moved to separated tree (e.g. CN=FirstName LastName,OU=archived,OU=users,DC=organisation,DC=cz) 

 The aim of this ticket is to discuss and pick the best feature solution for the usecase above in 2. above.
