


Task #2654

Updated by Alena Peterová over 3 years ago

Tested on 10.7.0 
 When using a "PostgreSQL database" connector for connecting a source system (Synchronization), once you try to start the default Synchronization, you get an error "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Changelog column name configuration property is empty." 

 You have to set the configuration property "Change Log Column (Sync)" in the configuration of the system manually. So it would be user-friendly to add this property to the wizard (at least all DB wizards). 

 Note: The synchronization doesn't use Reconciliation by default and that's what makes the changelog column required. I think this default is fine, it's the correct way when we have timestamps in the source system. 
 Note 2: The change log column is used only for source systems, not for end systems (provisioning) - it doesn't exist exists for them typically. Ideally, the property should be accessible only when using Synchronization for the connected system.
