


Task #2459

Updated by Petr FiĊĦer over 3 years ago

The testing environment will have: 
 1) mariadb database with input data simulating a system with personal data 
 2) still empty mariadb database simulating target system, but the tables should be already exist 
 3) configured IdM, where: 
  - synchronization tasks haven't run yet 
  - source and target systems (mariadb in this case) should be connected 
  - some synchronization tasks are configured and ready to be executed 
  - IdM appliacation and its postgres DB + both mariadb listen on 
  - automatic roles according to org. structure 

 The input DB should contain approximately 5000 persons/items, so that the synchronization tasks run long enough. 

 Therefore I need from consultants these DB dumps: 
 1) dump from input maria DB 
 2) dump from target maria DB 
 3) IdM postgres dump 
 The state of all dumps must be before running synchronization tasks. 

 I discussed these requirements with Marcel. 

 ~5000 persons with usual attributes (name, surname, mail, phone, some EAV attributes that are the most common ones) 
 - each person has a contract, some contracts valid, some historical, some about to expire 
 - some people have multiple contracts 

 - organization structure is present, multi-level (tree depth at least 4)
