


Task #2379

Updated by Roman Kučera over 4 years ago

Now you can only import automatic roles definition by one or two contract EAV and that is not enough. 

 Implement new options into task: 
 * create definition by identity attribute 
 * create definition by identity eav attribute 
 * create definition by contract attribute 
 * create definition by contract eav attribute 

 number of attributes and eav attributes must be dynamic. 
 Dynamic number of EAV attributes is used in 

 Also you should be able to create definition with multiple rules. E.g definition by identity attribute and for example contract EAV  
 This task must support different types of attributes not only String. 
 For example define these rules: 
 * isPrimary = false 
 * contract state = empty (not out of evidence) 
 * some contract eav = some string value 
 * some identity eav = some string value
