


Task #1973

Updated by Radek Tomiška about 5 years ago

We can start with all services with ''@ScriptEnabled'' annotation - these services are usable in scripts. 
 How to get services is implemted here: ''IdmScriptAuthorityService.findServices'', but new method with some new filter dto can be added (e.g. ''EntityEventManager.find(filter)''). 
 ''AvailableServiceDto'' can be reused and additional information can be added here (e.g field with available service methods). This dto can be rendered in table on FE. 
 FE agenda - new tab in menu Setting > Modules > Services can be added with the same behavior as ''Filters'' tab - simple table without section can be used instead. 
 Filter for services will be available by ''text'' - ''like'' in service name. 
 Table will contain columns with service name (e.g. Filter type colmun), module, available methods. 
 Agenda will be available for all authenticated users (any additional authority is required).
