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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1014 IdStory Identity Manager Task New Normal Automatic role rules check persistent type before save Ondřej Kopr 03/07/2018 07:45 AM Actions
982 IdStory Identity Manager Task New Low English in info,warning and error messages Vít Švanda 02/28/2018 02:27 PM Actions
977 IdStory Identity Manager Task New Normal Account management in GUI Vít Švanda 02/23/2018 10:47 AM Actions
950 IdStory Identity Manager Task New Normal Show identities that has automatic role by tree Radek Tomiška 02/06/2018 12:53 PM Actions
941 IdStory Identity Manager Task New Normal Check script usages while delete Ondřej Kopr 01/31/2018 01:49 PM Actions
940 IdStory Identity Manager Task New Normal Remove callback from AutomaticRoleAttributeService Ondřej Kopr 01/31/2018 12:15 PM Actions
937 Certificate Authority (crt) Task New Normal Provisioning for certificates Vít Švanda 02/01/2019 08:01 AM Actions
936 IdStory Identity Manager Feature New Normal Roles and accounts states before contract starts Ondřej Kopr 02/01/2018 12:31 PM Actions
933 IdStory Identity Manager Task New Low Component Confirm - support more buttons Radek Tomiška 01/30/2018 01:59 PM Actions
931 IdStory Identity Manager Task New Normal Task import add new trigger Radek Tomiška 01/28/2018 09:01 PM Actions
919 IdStory Identity Manager Task New Normal Provide a way to determine which contract is the account associated with during provisioning Vít Švanda 06/21/2018 07:04 PM Actions
909 IdStory Identity Manager Task New Normal More intuitive removal of elements 01/15/2018 01:55 PM Actions
906 IdStory Identity Manager Feature New Normal Authentication system Petr Michal 01/31/2018 12:33 PM Actions
904 IdStory Identity Manager Task New Low Mapping of attributes - warning identifier not set 01/12/2018 10:03 AM Actions
903 IdStory Identity Manager Task New Normal Support 'identity' in correlation for contractual relationships 12/21/2022 09:34 AM Actions
902 IdStory Identity Manager Task New Normal task history agenda Ondřej Kopr 01/10/2018 11:09 AM Actions
897 IdStory Identity Manager Task New Low Generated UID is null Radek Tomiška 01/09/2018 10:10 AM Actions
895 IdStory Identity Manager Task New Normal Add new tab with all identities which are to be assigned Radek Tomiška 06/01/2018 07:48 AM Actions
874 IdStory Identity Manager Task New Low Contain "Add to queue" function to LongRunningTask detail page 03/05/2019 03:27 PM Actions
866 IdStory Identity Manager Task New Normal Create system entity only after successful create Vít Švanda 12/07/2017 11:55 AM Actions
865 IdStory Identity Manager Task New Low Allow users to use CTRL + S to save forms Radek Tomiška 12/06/2017 07:54 AM Actions
851 IdStory Identity Manager Task New Low Use selectbox instead of inputText for attributes type Radek Tomiška 11/27/2017 01:13 PM Actions
819 password-reset Task New Normal Allow to send notification on users's secondary email address Peter Štrunc 11/03/2017 11:57 AM Actions
810 IdStory Identity Manager Task New Normal GUI: Results should be displayed automatically when filtering is changed Radek Tomiška 11/10/2017 10:26 AM Actions
809 IdStory Identity Manager Task New Low GUI: Add info about currently working users Radek Tomiška 11/02/2017 09:10 AM Actions
(501-525/604) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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