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# Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1203 password-reset Task New Normal Unify the name of the property idm.sec.pwdreset.token.ttl Peter Štrunc 08/08/2019 11:16 AM Actions
1202 password-reset Task New Normal Add token param to notification template 08/03/2018 03:24 PM Actions
1198 IdStory Identity Manager Task New Low Token - extend expiration in the half only Radek Tomiška 07/26/2018 01:46 PM Actions
1187 IdStory Identity Manager Task New Low Wrong count of identities in identity-report Radek Tomiška 08/28/2018 08:12 AM Actions
1182 IdStory Identity Manager Task Needs feedback Normal Pair future contracts by role in synchronization Petr Michal 08/28/2018 09:56 AM Actions
1181 IdStory Identity Manager Feature New Normal Create simple log from logging_event Ondřej Kopr 08/28/2018 09:53 AM Actions
1174 IdStory Identity Manager Feature New Normal Password policies: Minimal number of any letters Ondřej Kopr 08/28/2018 09:53 AM Actions
1173 IdStory Identity Manager Task New Normal Add permission to disable SSO Radek Tomiška 07/16/2018 08:01 AM Actions
1165 IdStory Identity Manager Feature New Normal Create IdmPassword during synchronization identities Ondřej Kopr 07/04/2018 06:39 AM Actions
1160 IdStory Identity Manager Task New Low Authorization policies - add localization and define form definitions Radek Tomiška 06/28/2018 08:58 AM Actions
1154 IdStory Identity Manager Task New Normal Support connectors update Vít Švanda 03/27/2019 01:50 PM Actions
1150 IdStory Identity Manager Task New Normal Bulk role manager assign Ondřej Kopr 06/22/2018 06:34 AM Actions
1148 IdStory Identity Manager Task New Low Add support for external quartz configuration Radek Tomiška 06/19/2018 10:15 AM Actions
1147 IdStory Identity Manager Feature New Normal Support indirect managers Radek Tomiška 03/07/2019 02:57 PM Actions
1143 IdStory Identity Manager Feature New Normal Notify the unresolved task Ondřej Kopr 06/18/2018 08:22 AM Actions
1133 IdStory Identity Manager Feature New Normal The state of an virtual account Vít Švanda 06/11/2018 06:26 PM Actions
1116 IdStory Identity Manager Task Needs feedback Normal Cannot set password when creating user in AD Peter Štrunc 06/05/2018 02:00 PM Actions
1114 IdStory Identity Manager Task New Low Big table idm_forest_index for 18k tree nodes Radek Tomiška 05/29/2018 03:31 PM Actions
1108 IdStory Identity Manager Task New Normal Tree structure - turn off evaluating managers and subordinates Radek Tomiška 05/25/2018 12:33 PM Actions
1099 password-reset Defect New High Missing data integrity between identity and reset requests Peter Štrunc 08/08/2019 11:15 AM Actions
1070 IdStory Identity Manager Feature New Normal Script call is generated by script type Ondřej Kopr 08/28/2018 09:54 AM Actions
1066 IdStory Identity Manager Task New Normal Basic util methods Marek Klement 06/20/2018 08:18 AM Actions
1061 Certificate Authority (crt) Defect New Low Uploaded CSR file isn't validated Ondřej Kopr 04/05/2018 02:02 PM Actions
1029 IdStory Identity Manager Feature New Normal 5) Synchronisation / provisioning Radek Tomiška 02/14/2020 11:45 AM Actions
1018 IdStory Identity Manager Feature New Normal Synchronization of groups mix groups and identity accounts Vít Švanda 12/09/2019 08:22 AM Actions
(476-500/604) Per page: 25, 50, 100, 200

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