Task #996
closedAutomatic roles by attributes are repeatedly removed/added
Affected version: 7.8.2
This happens if there are at least 2 automatic roles for Contract_EAV and an identity has at least 2 contracts with different EAV settings.
Steps to reproduce:- Create a form definition for EAV: "kodoblast"
- Create roles "Test", "Test2"
- Create an automatic rule for the role Test by Contract_EAV "kodoblast"="123"
- Create an automatic rule for the role Test2 by Contract_EAV "kodoblast"="456"
- Create an identity.
- Create a new identity contract and set its EAV attribute "kodoblast"="123". This assigns the automatic role Test
- Create a new identity contract and set its EAV attribute "kodoblast"="456". This adds the automatic role Test2 but it also removes Test
Please note that if there are e.g. 100 automatic roles, then the message "Request change in concept [7b623555-a60f-4223-99c6-15c08b161e9d], was not executed, because requested IdentityRole [bbf72996-905c-4b94-9d0a-fd1b0173d09c] was deleted (not from this role request)" appears 200x (with different IDs). This takes a long time - if the contract is created during synchronization, it looks like the synchronization is stuck.
Also, if I manually remove a contract, the automatic role (which was previously assigned thanks to this contract) is not deassigned from the identity.
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