Task #432
closedRewrite workflow services (and REST controllers) to DTO services
Added by Vít Švanda over 7 years ago. Updated almost 7 years ago.
Updated by Vít Švanda over 7 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
Start with transform controller and service for WrokflowProcessDefinition.
Updated by Vít Švanda over 7 years ago
- % Done changed from 10 to 20
WrokflowProcessDefinition transformed. Five services remains.
Updated by Vít Švanda about 7 years ago
- Target version deleted (
Diamond (7.4.0))
Updated by Ondřej Kopr almost 7 years ago
- Assignee changed from Vít Švanda to Ondřej Kopr
Updated by Ondřej Kopr almost 7 years ago
- WorkflowProcessInstance,
- WorkflowHistoricTaskInstance,
- WorkflowHistoricProcessInstance.
Updated by Ondřej Kopr almost 7 years ago
- % Done changed from 20 to 90
- check WF agenda,
- try deploy WF,
- create new task,
- approve task,
- return task,
- disapprove task.
I resolved issue with react router (now we have two path for tasks: /tasks/identity, /tasks/all and /task/<id> for detail), when we get to task detail from some url we don't know which address to go to.
Updated by Ondřej Kopr almost 7 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Needs feedback
- Assignee changed from Ondřej Kopr to Vít Švanda
Solution can be found there: https://github.com/bcvsolutions/CzechIdMng/tree/okopr/529-task-agenda-improvements
In same branch is also task #529
Commit: https://github.com/bcvsolutions/CzechIdMng/commit/b59d53e289a3d7cf5987a5839021763110c8e761
Pull request: https://github.com/bcvsolutions/CzechIdMng/pull/13
Vitek could you make a review? I left all search methods in services and also I don't change logic in this methods, so API's for WF services are same as before, I marked page attributes in WorkflowFilterDto filter as deprecated.
Updated by Vít Švanda almost 7 years ago
- Status changed from Needs feedback to In Progress
- Assignee changed from Vít Švanda to Ondřej Kopr
- Target version set to Garnet (7.7.0)
I fixed:
- I changed "collectionRelation" back to the value "resources" ... for compatibility.
- Pagination of the tasks, processes, history.
- Complete of a task can execute only assign/candidate user.
- Ondra, please create some test for check "complete task". Only assigne/candiate can execute/complete the task. Not Owner, not Starter, not Participant. After that you can resolve this task.
Updated by Vít Švanda almost 7 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 90 to 100
Test is here: https://github.com/bcvsolutions/CzechIdMng/commit/d9d9becffb4187097a1f57530be3bcb0519baf28
Thanks for that Ondra.