Task #3092
openAdd the description of the role into the approval task for the authorizer
The task "Approval the role assignment by the guarantee" for roles with the criticality 2 doesn't contain the role's description and the role name is not clickable as in other parts of IdM. Please add the field with the description of the role.
(Setting @kopro as the assignee because he made this change for some custom approval workflow and he said he can do it easily for the product as well, thanks! :-) )
Updated by Ondřej Kopr over 2 years ago
The task is mainly about component DynamicTaskRoleConceptDetail and inner component RoleConceptDetail.
In our usecase was created new definition of DynamicTaskRoleConceptDetail and in WF was updated all selected components for each approve task.
In product will be best solutions edit only RoleConceptDetail with new parameter eq showRoleDescription (backward compatible for another usages). This feature purpose will be consulted with @doischert :)