



Task #2824


Implement minor review notes from development

Added by Tomáš Doischer over 3 years ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

In Progress
Tomáš Doischer
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


Due to time constraints, some minor issues found in review (#2800) were not fixed in version 1.0.0.

These are:
-- BE: Assert.notNull or check null pointers is missing in public service methods (e.g. DefaultPrpPropertyService#canPropertyFromSetBeAssigned).
-- FE: a lot of warnings is on FE sources - formating, duplicate component property usage, long rows, undefined variables usage etc.
-- FE: set detail has different icon in header than menu (target system icon) - the same for set items on set detail etc.
-- FE: Backend bulk action could be provided. Frontend bulk action usage is obsolete for newly added agenda (will be removed in future).
-- FE: Bulk actions could be hidden on identity detail - assigned property cannot be removed anyway (and other bulk action are not provided now).
-- FE: Unassigned filter can be hidden on identity detail (assigned user is jidden already).
-- FE: Assigned user can be shown on property item detail. Assigned user is shown in table - popover face can be used in info components for user and set.
-- FE: Assigned users can be shown on set detail in new tab - this can be used even for show "waiting" users. Information can be found in notification now, but this will provide summary for set guarantee.
-- FE / BE: Url for module can be unified under module prefix e.g. /set-roles => /prp/set-roles or /prp-sets => /prp/sets.
-- BE: Url to set detail can be added to notification, when property id not available.
-- BE: Camel case should be used (ImportPropertyFromCSVExecutor etc.)
-- FE: SetSelect readme - FormProjectionSelect is forgotten
-- BE: I'm not sure about PrpGroupPermission, where SET_xxx persmis sion is used. Is maybe to general and can be abused in different custom module ... mayve some prefix can be added just for sure (e.g. PRPSET_xxx etc.).
-- BE: I don't like PrpUtils at all - each method can be moved to concrete service (e.q. getRecipientsForSetNotification => setService, getSubordinateRoleIds => not needed at all ~ simple .stream + .map, etc.)
-- BE: Both imports could be executed in transaction - when import fails, then skeleton records are created now (e.g. set without guarantees).
-- BE: DefaultPrpSetGuarantorService#findGuarantorIdentitiesBySet - use lookupService for dege embedded dto to prevent a lot of unnecessary selects in cycle. Use this pattern on all places (DefaultPrpSetRoleService#findRolesAssigningSet etc.)
-- BE: toFilter method - Data filter set singular properties automatically (e.g. filter.setSerialNumber(getParameterConverter().toString(parameters, PrpPropertyFilter.PARAMETER_SERIAL_NUMBER));
can be removed). Codeable properties should remain only (e.g. PrpPropertyFilter.PARAMETER_SET_ID).
-- BE: DefaultPrpSetService#getRecipientsForSetNotification - return 10 recipent even underlying service find 100 recipient.
-- FE: Set table - filter by unassigned works now, nice (I'm not sure about double negation "Unassigned - Yes" will lead to user confusion, but we can discuss it later :))
-- BE: LookupService#lookupEmbeddedDto can be used to get related dtos an prevent to execute additional db select (e.g. DefaultPrpPropertyService#getFormDefinitionForProperty)


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