Defect #2567
Automatic role by EAV is not assigned when setting the EAV together with entity (e.g. through form projection)
Added by Alena Peterová about 4 years ago.
Updated about 4 years ago.
Tested on version 10.6.1
Steps to reproduce:
- Create an automatic role by attribute for some EAV of identity
- Create a form projection containing this EAV attribute
- Create an identity with this form projection
- Set the EAV attribute to the value which should assign the automatic role
- The automatic role by attribute is not assigned
Note: When the automatic role is set to standard identity attribute, it is assigned correctly. Also automatic roles by organization are correctly assigned.
- Assignee changed from Ondřej Kopr to Radek Tomiška
- Related to Task #2248: Synchronization: save extended attribute values together with entity added
- Related to Task #1267: Support save EAV with Entity added
- Related to Task #2105: Dynamic form for identities added
- Priority changed from Normal to High
- Target version set to 10.6.3
- Affected versions Morganite (9.2.0), 10.2.0, 10.5.0 added
- Affected versions deleted (
The issue is there from version 9.2.0 - identity and contract can be saved together with eav values, this event is not handled in automatic roles by attribute processors properly.
This feature is used where is needed, but mainly in projection (@since 10.2.0), scim (@since 2.1.0 => 10.2.0)
- Affected versions deleted (
I did test for assign automatic roles from synchronization - it works thx automatic roles are skipped for the first time (~from event, when entity is saved) and all is recalculated after synchronization ends (by synchronization setting or as dependent scheduled task).
So it affects projections in product mainly.
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Subject changed from Automatic role by EAV is not assigned when setting the EAV through form projection to Automatic role by EAV is not assigned when setting the EAV together with entity (e.g. through form projection)
- Status changed from In Progress to Needs feedback
- Assignee changed from Radek Tomiška to Vít Švanda
- % Done changed from 0 to 90
- Status changed from Needs feedback to In Progress
- Assignee changed from Vít Švanda to Radek Tomiška
I did review and tested it. Works fine. In the code I found only one thing: In AutomaticRoleAttributeRuleType can be AutomaticRoleAttributeRuleType null now. It means the IdmAutomaticRoleFilter will return all rules for CONTRACT/EAV too. It looks useless, but may be I missed something (If yes, please close this ticket).
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 90 to 100
Thx for feedback! Null AutomaticRoleAttributeRuleType is the main part of this fix - automatic roles for identity is skipped in projection and all automatic roles are evaluated, when automatic roles for contract are evaluated (null = IDENTITY + IDENTITY_EAV + CONTRACT + CONTRACT_EAV). When projection is saved, then identity and contract can have eavs defined and all rules are effective.
I've added integration test to acc synchronization with automatic roles configured:
- Related to Defect #2605: Automatic role by attribute generates duplicate role requests and assignes subroles directly added
- Related to deleted (Defect #2605: Automatic role by attribute generates duplicate role requests and assignes subroles directly)
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