Defect #2395
closedFiltering multiple approvers by a group of usernames is stuck
Start date:
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Affected versions:
Version 10.4.1
Steps to reproduce:
Steps to reproduce:
- Create a task with more than 5 approvers
- Click on the 3 dots -> in the modal window "Can solve", open the filter and write a username to the field "Own group search by usernames or personal numbers."
- The window is stuck
Updated by Ondřej Kopr over 4 years ago
- Assignee changed from Vít Švanda to Ondřej Kopr
Updated by Ondřej Kopr over 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Target version set to 10.5.0
Updated by Ondřej Kopr over 4 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Needs feedback
- Assignee changed from Ondřej Kopr to Vít Švanda
- % Done changed from 0 to 90
The issue is with method fetchEntitiesCount in component CreatableSelectBox. The component made fetch without defined UI key and this key has still showLoading=true. I added only UI key and filtering now works well in the modal window. Thanks for nice description.
commit: (branch: develop)
Please Vitek could you provide me a review?
Updated by Vít Švanda over 4 years ago
- Status changed from Needs feedback to Resolved
- Assignee changed from Vít Švanda to Ondřej Kopr
- Target version changed from 10.5.0 to 10.4.2
- % Done changed from 90 to 100
I did reivew and test. Works nice, thanks for the fix.
I move change to the branch 10.4.2-SNAPSHOT.
Updated by Radek Tomiška over 4 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
- Affected versions 10.4.1 added