Task #195
Implement routes priority (frontend)
Added by Vít Švanda about 8 years ago.
Updated about 8 years ago.
We will need implement priority on route for frontend modules.
- We can override routes, but now is order of resolve final routes random.
- First override route from another module was implemented in task #193
- % Done changed from 0 to 60
- Subject changed from Implement module order (frontend) to Implement routes priority (frontend)
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- % Done changed from 60 to 90
- in Index.js was modifieded creating routes.
- Over routes is now iterate twice
- Fill routes access, onEnter and transform childRoutes to Immutable.List
- Chech override routes and prios. Remove overriden routes and trasform Immutable.List back to array.
- Is nessesary to add priority attribute to overrride routes. Otherwise can discover unexpected behavior.
- If exist two same routes with no priority attribute. They will be evaluated by module name.
- Status changed from In Progress to Needs feedback
- Assignee changed from Ondřej Kopr to Radek Tomiška
- After some tests, found next thing to be done: After disable module with override some route and try to access to this route get 401 error. It must be implemented some route reload. I fix it in another task.
- Related to Task #132: Dynamic enable/disable module on FE added
- Status changed from Needs feedback to Closed
- Assignee changed from Radek Tomiška to Ondřej Kopr
- % Done changed from 90 to 100
We did review together and agile. I works, but remove module routes, when module is disabled has to be implemented too - I've added this feature to #132.
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