Task #1853
Disabled module shows error in Scheduled tasks
Added by Alena Peterová over 5 years ago.
Updated about 5 years ago.
Long running task
Version 9.7.6
Switch to the "Scheduled tasks" when the module "rec" is disabled:
But there is not scheduled task coming from this module - so why the error?
- Subject changed from Disabled module rec shows error in Scheduled tasks to Disabled module shows error in Scheduled tasks
- Category changed from Recertification to Long running task
- Status changed from New to Needs feedback
- Assignee changed from Radek Tomiška to Vít Švanda
- Target version set to Rhyolite (9.7.7)
- % Done changed from 0 to 90
Module recertification contains task ''RecertificationDueDateWarningTaskExecutor''. When module is disabled, this warning is shown.
I've added support for disabling LTRs:
- when module is disabled (or single LRT by configuration), then raw task type is shown in scheduled tasks agenda (without exception)
- task cannot be executed until module is enabled again (even when is scheduled, then nothing is done for disabled tasks, just LOG with warning on attempt).
Could you do a feedback, please?
Workaround for situation described in this ticket: Remove (uninstall) disabled module.
- Assignee changed from Vít Švanda to Radek Tomiška
- % Done changed from 90 to 100
I did review and test. Works fine. I found one iteresting scenario. When I create the scheduled task (I don't have automatically start this tasks) and then I disable the module. Then I can se on the tab All tasks my task and this can be run (run selected tasks). After that task end with exception "Task has invalid configuration", because he tried to call disabled service.
So may be could be that task not started (if module is disabled), but may be is this scenario too much.
This is OK, for me.
- Status changed from Needs feedback to Resolved
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
- Related to Defect #1878: Scheduled task for synchronization is deleted after server is restarted. added
- Related to Task #1442: Fix lrt SelectCurrentContractSliceTaskExecutor added
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