Task #1124
closedRelease FE + BE together
Added by Radek Tomiška over 6 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.
In ticket #1072 was implemented releasing frontend modules. Now will be nice to use it together with backend module => one release on tag creation.
Related issues
Updated by Radek Tomiška over 6 years ago
- Related to Task #1072: Release FE modules added
Updated by Ondřej Kopr over 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee changed from Radek Tomiška to Ondřej Kopr
I will made analyze if is possible release FE via maven, otherwise I will create new shell script for it.
Updated by Ondřej Kopr over 6 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 30
I probably found workaround for use jgitflow: https://ecosystem.atlassian.net/browse/MJF-299
The change dependency to
<plugin> <groupId>com.amashchenko.maven.plugin</groupId> <artifactId>gitflow-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.9.0</version> </plugin>
isn't works correctly, but the first workaround works:
<plugin> <groupId>external.atlassian.jgitflow</groupId> <artifactId>jgitflow-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.0-m5.1</version> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>com.jcraft</groupId> <artifactId>jsch</artifactId> <version>0.1.54</version> </dependency> </dependencies> </plugin>
I already add it into develop and yesterday Radek try release with jgitflow.
Commit: https://github.com/bcvsolutions/CzechIdMng/commit/aeca90f62988e348bffee286bdbd39ea3bf07122
If this will be success I will try behavior with postReleaseGoals and preReleaseGoals.
Updated by Ondřej Kopr over 6 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Needs feedback
- Assignee changed from Ondřej Kopr to Radek Tomiška
- % Done changed from 30 to 90
I implemented new bash script for release product. Script support these operations:
- Complete release for all modules
- Update version (all)
- Update version (only backend)
- Update version (only frontend)
- Deploy to nexus (all)
- Deploy to nexus (only backend)
- Deploy to nexus (only frontend)
Script was made with whiptail gui.
I also udated app release profile with new command by Vitek - npm install && gulp install. Change profile release was problem, because new node_modules has circular folder structure and maven-resources-plugin includes all symlinks even if the folder is marked as exluded. I solved the problem with add new phase with clean/remove node_modules and then pack frontend sources before build it. It is neccessary made also clean phase, or remove node_modules manually.
script: https://github.com/bcvsolutions/CzechIdMng/commit/9419c23024d290d3a45095a86acac5625bfecc32
script fix: https://github.com/bcvsolutions/CzechIdMng/commit/690c49d8624631bebcdc244af8664d10662919be
app pom update: https://github.com/bcvsolutions/CzechIdMng/commit/b2ca5716ff52eb293b030c80c1d3bb5189bc6586
(develop branch)
Please Radek could you made a review? Thank you.
Updated by Radek Tomiška over 6 years ago
- Status changed from Needs feedback to In Progress
- Assignee changed from Radek Tomiška to Ondřej Kopr
- Target version changed from Lapis (8.2.0) to Jade (8.1.3)
It's really awesome, you are my hero! I test all use cases and it works, thx!
Update please documentation (tutorials "how to release ...') before closing this ticket.
Note: the next step could be execute release scrip on jenkins (or on some virtual) .)
Updated by Ondřej Kopr over 6 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 90 to 100
I update documentation: https://wiki.czechidm.com/tutorial/dev/how_to_release and https://wiki.czechidm.com/priv/notes/release-fe
Release product on some virtual is good idea, only things we need is create some service account for push and merge changes to github.
I close this ticket, next step will be implemented in another ticket. Thank you for tests.