Task #1107
closedCompatibility CzechIdM 8.1.0 with JBoss (WildFly)
Added by Vít Švanda over 6 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.
Updated by Vít Švanda over 6 years ago
- Subject changed from Compatibility CzechIdM 8.x.x with JBoss (WildFly) to Compatibility CzechIdM 8.1.0 with JBoss (WildFly)
Updated by Vít Švanda over 6 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 30
- I resloved problem with 'date conversion' on the Wildfly 10.0. (json - compatibility).
- Problem with IdM 8 is in the ConnId framework and with load the connector manifest files. I have not resolved it yet.
Updated by Vít Švanda over 6 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Needs feedback
- Assignee changed from Vít Švanda to Ondřej Kopr
- % Done changed from 30 to 90
After very pain searching/debugging I found the root cause.
The JBoss/WildFly creates copy of all deployments to temp folder. This files using the VFS (Virtual File System). During the IC module searching a local connectors are returned URLs pointing to original jar (in deployment folder) by path attribute, but really pointing on copied file (as protocol is using 'vfs').
As the solution I modified IC module. I creates new instance of URL object (pointing on connector's jar) and as input I using URL.path from 'vfs'.
That works on WildFly 10.0 and on Tomcat 8 too.
Plus, I resolved problem with version WildFly 10.0. There was problem with login "date time format exception". Problem is in the incompatibility libraries for Jackson using in the IdM and WildFly 10.0.
Solution: Replace folder JBOSS/modules/system/layers/base/com/fasterxml/ by same folder in the version WildFly 12.
Updated by Vít Švanda over 6 years ago
There is next issue, with 'war' created by release plugin. This war is not recognize (by Wildfly) as WAR but as the content. This content is copied to content folder. This causes problem on connectors loading where jar file of connector is not found.
Workaround: Unzip war file to deployments folder and create file 'idm.war.dodeploy'.
Updated by Vladimír Kotýnek over 6 years ago
Via web console you have no way how to unzip war to the deployments folder. E.g. in Jboss Enterprise Application Platform the admin can only upload file via web interface and schedule it's deploy to Jboss node.
Updated by Vít Švanda over 6 years ago
Does this mean that you use this approach (deployment via web interface) with old IDM as well?
Updated by Vladimír Kotýnek over 6 years ago
Not personally. But yes the customer's administrator to whom I delivered idm-app.war 7.8.3 deployed it via web interface of EAP and it worked. But I did not tested this procedure myself. Luboš Čábelka (and Petr Hanák too) should have access to the test environment and should have a tutorial how to deploy the war.
Updated by Vít Švanda over 6 years ago
- Status changed from Needs feedback to In Progress
- Assignee changed from Ondřej Kopr to Vít Švanda
Updated by Vít Švanda over 6 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Needs feedback
I solved this problem. I had to rewrite methods for get connector URLs and add new JBoss utility for obtain physical path.
I tested:
- exploded war
- war created by Eclipse
- war created by Release
- war depolyed by Admin UI console.
- compatibility with Tomcat.
Everything works. Remains check night build.
Updated by Vít Švanda over 6 years ago
- Status changed from Needs feedback to Resolved
- % Done changed from 90 to 100
It also works with current night build. (deployed via Admin UI console).